Pollen or dust allergy can affect oral health The Spanish Society of Periodontics and Osseointegration (SEPA) provides 5 tips to alleviate the consequences of allergy on oral health. Common Effects of Allergy: Pain and sensitivity In order to fight external agents that cause allergy to our body such as pollen or dust, the immune system…

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Summer holidays are a time of routine changes that can lead to dental health problems Changes in eating habits and hygiene can encourage the appearance of caries in children, which is why the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Valencia (ICOEV) provides the following basic tips to avoid childhood caries during the holidays: Follow good oral…

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We open a new melon of knowledge in pediatric dentistry: the sealing of cracks in children’s teeth. Here’s everything you need to know: What is it? When is it done? What teeth is it made of? How long does it last? How is it done? Should it be complemented with any more treatment? Take a…

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Today we are working to transform a technical explanation about types of complete rehabilitations on implants into an article that is simple and understandable. What we want is to explain the type of dentures that we can choose when, for whatever reason, we find a mouth that is missing all or practically all teeth. Basically what we…

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Somatopause is the gradual growth hormone production and secretion decline due to normal aging. The pituitary gland is the response for secreting growth hormone in humans. Throughout your life, your pituitary gland puts out growth hormones to perform critical functions in the body. However, at around age 30, the amount of growth hormone secretion in…

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