Today we are working to transform a technical explanation about types of complete rehabilitations on implants into an article that is simple and understandable.

What we want is to explain the type of dentures that we can choose when, for whatever reason, we find a mouth that is missing all or practically all teeth.

Basically what we need to know is that it’s like a ladder:

  • If a single tooth is missing, we can replace it with an implant,
  • When several adjoining teeth are missing, with 2 or 3 implants, up to 6 teeth can be replaced (what we call bridge over implants)
  • If there is no tooth left (or practically none), with only 4 or 6 implants we can perform a complete denture.

Today we will talk about the three most common options in complete rehabilitation that we work in the Castellsagué Dental Center. We will talk about:

  • Zirconium/fixed screwed ceramic prosthesis
  • Hybrid prosthesis (screwed fixed, resin)
  • Overdenture (remove and put)

Screwed fixed ceramic prosthesis

Ceramic or zirconium prostheses will always be our first option.

  • It’s fixed, it’s screwed, you can’t remove it from your mouth
  • The aesthetic result is excellent
  • It has greater durability and strength
  • It is the best option, the one that most resembles your real teeth
  • It is the option that generates the least problems of fracture and wear since it is a very resistant material

As not everything can be advantages, it must be said that this will be the option with a slightly higher price than the rest.

And for this reason, we present the following two options, simpler and cheaper than ceramics, but with very good aesthetic and functional results.

Hybrid prosthesis (screwed fixed, resin)

The hybrid prosthesis is a denture that is fixed and screwed but the material is made of resin.

The fact that they are made of resin makes them cheaper than ceramic ones but, on the contrary, they are more fragile and can suffer wear and small fractures more easily.

Here is a summary of what this type of denture means:

  • It is fixed, screwed, cannot be removed by the patient himself
  • Less wear resistance than ceramics
  • It generates more fracture and wear problems than ceramics but less than overdenture

Overdenture (remove and put)

Overdenture is a retained prosthesis with 2 or 4 implants depending on the case, but unlike the other options, the patient himself can be removed and put on to facilitate hygiene.

In addition, it is the simplest and most economical option for dentures, but perhaps the one that offers less comfort to the patient since despite being retained by implants, you can always notice a slight mobility

We can summarize the advantages and disadvantages in 4 points:

  • It is to remove and put, therefore there is less feeling of natural denture (movement is noted)
  • Lower wear resistance than ceramics (more fracture/wear problems)
  • Less aesthetics than ceramics
  • It is the most economical option

We have a more technical explanation that will give you more details about the types of prostheses. And, you know, if you have any questions, we are here to give you answers and solutions.

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