Expertly maintaining oral hygiene is a gateway to larger health behaviors and practices. A simple habit of brushing twice daily itself extends to many other habits – from ensuring that you do associated practices like flossing to also other habits like exercise. After all, you’re building a conscious link between what you do and how…

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The Double-Edged Sword: Synthetic Intelligence in Cybersecurity (Part 2) In the ever-evolving battleground of cybersecurity, a powerful new weapon has emerged: synthetic intelligence (SI). Part 1 of this series explored the fundamental concepts of SI and its burgeoning role in the fight against cyber threats. We delved into the different forms of SI, such as…

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Dental implants have revolutionised the field of dentistry, providing a durable and natural-looking solution for individuals dealing with tooth loss. However, not everyone is an ideal candidate for this transformative procedure. In this article, we will explore the key factors that determine who is the right candidate for dental implants, emphasising the crucial role of…

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Imagine the thunderous roar of the crowd, the adrenaline coursing through your veins, and the electrifying energy of a packed stadium. NFL players navigate this environment every week, pushing their bodies to the limit and achieving feats of athleticism that leave us awestruck. But what fuels these modern gladiators? What lies behind their sculpted physiques…

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It is normal that over time we lose faculties and, among them, hearing loss. This is inevitable, but what is in our hands is to introduce small changes in our daily habits that help us take care of our ears. Having good hearing health allows us to relate and engage in conversations with our environment…

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