For instance, a battery of diagnostic tests are given when, primarily based on the diagnosis, fewer exams had been needed. A CHAMPUS beneficiary may not elect to waive benefits beneath a double coverage plan and use CHAMPUS. Whenever double protection exists, the provisions of this Section shall be applied. Amount billed; CHAMPUS-determined allowable charge or price; and amount of CHAMPUS fee. 90 days from the date the declare was returned to the supplier or beneficiary. A taking part supplier (see paragraph of § 199.6) is required to signal the CHAMPUS declare kind.

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A request for enchantment shall be submitted in writing within five working days. If the choice is an adverse one it shall embody notice to the applicant of his further enchantment rights as reflected in under, and that he/she has five working days to impact any such attraction. Benefits shall not be provided while an enchantment is pending when an applicant is denied benefits, a participant’s certification has expired or a participant becomes categorically ineligible. Applicants who are denied certification or participants that are denied recertification shall be supplied with a notice of ineligibility. The notice shall embrace data on the applicant’s proper to attraction the dedication and directions on doing so.

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